Interestingly, this year, in a new reality 0f COVID-19, when we painfully realize that we need each-other to survive, major ritualistic holidays almost overlap. Easter and Passover are days apart. Both less than a full month after Novruz, a Zoroastrian ritual and days before the beginning of the month of Ramadan.
Today these rituals make part of the three major monotheistic religions. I am well aware that each of these religions is source of belief and solace for its followers. Also each has developed distinct personified story lines.
Yet, at a time like this, I rather emphasize on our commonness, not differences. All these rituals express our willingness to give sacrifices for the hope of New Day and New Beginning.
As we humans developed consciousness, we’ve experienced these rituals in a higher, complex celestial dimension. Yet Jung believes (and following his steps, I believe), such rituals simply transcend any certain dogma, religion and belief system. They are rooted at our synchronicity with Nature. Thus it’s our common psychic tendency to do things in a way that we do without realizing the why. To him, these holidays are relic of archaic solstice and equinox celebrations of primitive man. He calls it “profound urge to celebrate fertility and rebirth”. As food supply and scarcity is not that remote topic these days the importance of fertility makes itself felt.
Egg – Seed of Life
Egg, characteristic element of three of these holidays (except Ramadan), is an eternal symbol of seed of life. It is a “cosmic womb” from which new life will grow. Egg-related rituals lay it out beautifully – egg hiding, egg fight, egg hunt – all allude to the curiosity to rejoice the new life.
As celebrated with doors closed, these rituals will bring sense of unity and comfort even more against all uncertainties imposed by COVID-19. They will move us just the way they moved and dictated the behavior of our great ancestors who acted on unconscious impulses only.
Happy celebration of different but the same holidays to all,